Did you just move to the Netherlands and need an energy supplier? Or are you interested in a new supplier that only supplies 100% Dutch sustainable electricity? In these, and all other situations, you’re welcome at Greenchoice. Greenchoice supplies Dutch green electricity and natural gas with investments in reconstructing and planting tomorrow’s nature.
What does an energy supplier do in the Netherlands?
In the Netherlands, privatized companies take care of the supply of electricity and gas to every home in the country. Energy providers buy electricity and gas from the wholesale market or produce their own electricity.
Greenchoice produces part of their own renewable electricity through wind parks and solar projects and by having contracts with local producers of renewable electricity that work together to produce electricity from your own area.
Energy suppliers and network operators
Energy providers supply electricity and gas to your home. Network operators are responsible for the energy grid through which you receive your energy. They make sure you’re able to use electricity and gas at all times.
While you can choose your energy supplier, you’re unable to choose your network operator. Each network operator is responsible for a specific part of the Netherlands. Do you want to know your network operator? You can find yours through this Dutch website:
When do you need an energy contract?
If you own your own home, or if you’re not paying your landlord for your energy usage, you should choose your own supplier. To do so, you need to apply for a contract with one of the Dutch suppliers.
At Greenchoice you can choose a few different types of energy contracts:
Fixed energy contract
If you’re sure you will be staying in the Netherlands for over a year, a contract with fixed rates might be interesting for you. Greenchoice offers contracts with durations of 1, 2 and 3 years. After your contract runs out, you will be able to choose a new contract or let your supplier provide you with energy at a new flexible rate.
Pros of a fixed energy contract:
- Fixed rates for the energy you use, dependent on how much you use
- Less worries about fluctuations in energy prices
Cons of a fixed energy contract:
- If prices drop, your rates won’t drop alongside them
- If you need to cancel your contract midway through, you will be paying a cancellation fee
Flexible energy contract
If you’re unsure how long you’ll be staying in the Netherlands, a flexible energy contract might be right for you. With a flexible contract, your contract will run for however long you need it, whether that be a few weeks or many years. Your energy tariffs will change periodically, reflecting the prices your supplier needs to pay for the energy they supply. Greenchoice will notify you a month in advance when your rates change.
Pros of a flexible energy contract:
- Flexible duration of your contract
- No cancellation fees
- If prices drop, your rates drop too
Cons of a flexible energy contract:
- More risky than a fixed contract: if prices rise, your rates will go up as well
How does an energy contract work?
In an energy contract you agree with your supplier that they will provide you with energy in exchange for a rate per kWh of electricity and m3 of gas. This rate can be fixed for the duration of the contract, or it can change periodically. But these rates aren’t the only thing you’ll be paying for during your energy contract.
Monthly installments
You pay for your energy in monthly installments. Those installments can change, depending on your usage and your rates.
In those monthly installments, you will pay for your energy usage throughout the year. In summer, you usually use less energy than the amount you’re paying for in the monthly installment. However, in winter you will usually use more energy. With the installments you pay in summer, you build a buffer for your usage in winter.
After a year, or when your contract ends, you will receive a bill settling your monthly installments with your usage throughout the period, as well as your taxes, your network fees and your fixed delivery costs.
Your energy costs are based on your energy usage. The cheapest energy is the energy you don’t use, so if you want to save on your energy contract, saving on your usage is a great first step. At Greenchoice, our customer service can help you with useful tips and tricks on how to save on your usage for your specific living situation.
We can calculate your usage based on the readings on your energy meter. Do you have a smart meter? In that case we’ll receive your meter readings automatically. Do you have a conventional meter? In this case you need to send us your meter readings once your contract starts, 12 months after the start of your contract and/or when you move out.
Alongside your contractual rates, you will be paying taxes for your energy usage. These taxes are the same for every consumer energy contract across all energy suppliers.
Energy tax
Energy taxes are calculated based on your usage. For every kWh of electricity and every m3 of gas, you are required to pay a certain amount of taxes. You can find your tax rates on your energy contract.
At the start of every calendar year, the tax rates change. Greenchoice will notify you of the new tax rates as soon as we can.
Value Added Tax (btw)
For every part of your energy costs, you are required to pay Value Added Tax (or btw in Dutch). In 2023, the Value Added Tax rates are 21%.
Network fees
Your energy supplier charges the network fees for your network operator. This way you don’t have to pay fees to several different companies for your energy usage.
Network fees pay for the transport of electricity and gas to your home. With the paid network fees, a network operator is able to build and maintain the energy network, as well as all energy meters in every home.
Fixed delivery costs
Apart from your energy rates, your supplier charges yearly fixed delivery costs for the supply of electricity and gas to cover the costs of running an energy company.
How to apply for a contract
Are you considering Greenchoice as your energy supplier? That’s great to hear! You can apply for a contract through our website. Please be aware that the rest of our website is in Dutch.
Would you like to talk through setting up an energy contract? Feel free to contact us on 010 747 02 22. Our customer service is able to help you in English and is open on workdays from 08:30 to 17:00 and on Saturdays from 09:00 to 17:00.
Cancellation fines
When you terminate a fixed contract before the agreed end date, you have to pay a cancellation fine. Starting June 1st 2023, your cancellation fine is based on the following information:
- The agreed end date of your contract
- The date on which you want to end your contract prematurely
- The amount of electricity and/or gas we’ve bought in advance up to the end date of your contract
- The difference between your contract tariffs and the tariffs of the comparable Greenchoice contract
In Mijn Greenchoice, you can calculate your cancellation fine if you happen to have to end your contract prematurely.
Did you start a fixed contract before June 1st 2023? In that case, your cancellation fines are calculated differently. The amount of the fine is based on the remaining time your contract would be valid.